North Oxfordshire Academy

About this Organisation

Thank you for taking an interest in developing your career with us.

For those who want to combine quick access to London and Oxford with country living, North Oxfordshire Academy is the ideal location. We are situated in Banbury, a vibrant market town steeped in history which enjoys affordable rental and house prices.

The academy sits on a 48-acre site and offers great facilities including extensive playing fields, a national standard athletics track and a 50-place nursery to which teachers benefit from heavily subsidised places.

The academy offers a great training programme for students, NQTs and Schools Direct trainees who all benefit from high-quality, supportive CPD. Our staff are optimistic, hardworking and great team players and new staff very quickly become part of the NOA family.

We pride ourselves on excellent staff retention; our staff are happy and determined to encourage the very best in our students. I would be delighted to welcome any prospective applicants to see for themselves how we work at North Oxfordshire Academy.

Alison Merrills, Principal

Organisation Info

Recruiter Type: Direct Employer

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